Contact us

We'll get back to you as soon as we can

Do not hesitate to contact our offices by filling out the form on the right for any technical, commercial or general information you may need. Our Technical Team will be more than happy to find the best solutions to meet your needs.

Feel free to contact us directly by phone: +39 0523 760041.

To contact our loading warehouse dial +39 0523 760043

OFFICE HOURS: from Monday to Friday from 7:30 am to 6:00 pm
WAREHOUSE LOADING HOURS/DELIVERIES: Monday to Friday from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm

Who to contact:

General and business communications, environment and safety
Anna Paola Cavanna

 Business and marketing information:

Alberto Molinaroli

Payment terms and invoices information:

Antonella Bergamaschi
Alessandra Aggi

Request for technical feasibility, programming and advancement of rolling orders:

Ivan Lucev
Carlo Fornaroli

Production order requests:

Michela Gazzola
Marina Monachesi

Commercial information, price list, subcontracting conditions

Marina Monachesi

Information on delivery times of material and collection of orders:

Daniele Schiavi
Cristiano Spagna

Information about programming and progress of cutting orders:

Ivan Lucev

Request for rubberized cylinders rectification:

Paolo Scotti

Request for analysis and certificates:

Silvia Italia

Reports and complaints, post-delivery assistance:

Carlo Fornaroli

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